June 19, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) – HARRISBURG, PA. – Traditionally, business analytics have been point solutions for specialized decision makers. But now, Pennsylvania hospitals and healthcare organizations will have access to analytics solutions that give decision makers and decision workers at all levels of the enterprise clear insight into the information they use – and at precisely the right level of detail. Developed by VisiQuate, this analytics suite has individual solutions that were designed for use at all levels, from the Board of Directors through billing personnel.
“More and more leading hospitals are using analytics to drive informed decisions that improve their financial and operational performance,” Andy Carter, HAP President and Chief Executive Officer, said. “VisiQuate has helped hospitals across the country use analytics to understand and learn from past performance, and to strategically employ predictive analytics that help them make better decisions going forward. Because of the benefits VisiQuate offers its hospital and health system clients, HAP is pleased to announce its decision to endorse and promote these solutions to its members.”
“We're proud to partner with HAP and are committed to actively reshape the future of healthcare,” said Keith Eggert, FHFMA, EVP and GM, Healthcare, VisiQuate. “We believe that the democratization of decision-making will play an important role in the future growth and performance of HAP's members. Our solutions make that possible. Instead of making key insights available to only a select few managers, they distribute insights throughout the enterprise, and turn knowledge workers into decision workers. We have seen these analytics deliver demonstrable benefits to our clients in leading organizations across the country, including our Geisinger Health System client, and we are pleased that HAP and VisiQuate have forged this endorsed partnership to make them available to hospitals throughout Pennsylvania.”
Ted Ackroyd, Ph.D., VisiQuate Business Development Partner and data analytics expert, added that each HAP member client will benefit from its very own VisiQuate business intelligence solution – a solution that evolves daily and changes nightly. Each night, member clients send VisiQuate complex data, and each morning that member client receives actionable insights to guide their day.
Barbara Tapscott, Vice President, Revenue Management, Geisinger Health System, added, “Last year, we deployed VisiQuate's Self-Pay Segmentation and Analytics. This product helped us realize increased revenue and optimize staff productivity. Based on these results, we are evaluating additional VisiQuate analytic solutions.”
About HAP
HAP is a statewide membership services organization that advocates for
nearly 240 Pennsylvania acute and specialty care, primary care, subacute
care, long-term care, home health, and hospice providers, as well as
the patients and communities they serve. Additional information about
HAP is available online at www.haponline.org.
For more information on this new relationship, contact Michael A.
Suchanick, chief operating officer at 717-561-5349 or Daneen Schroder,
vice president, member services and business development at
About VisiQuate
Founded in 2009, VisiQuate delivers dynamic SaaS performance management
solutions that transform decision-making throughout the enterprise,
bridging the gap between Business Analytics and real-world results.
Going beyond traditional Business Analytics, VisiQuate's clients also
benefit from the successful integration of actionable workflow, guided
eLearning solutions, and a rich complement of industry domain experts
who work closely with VisiQuate's clients to help them achieve the best
performance outcomes. Headquartered in Santa Rosa, CA, VisiQuate
currently serves clients in healthcare, financial services, and other
industries. For more information, visit www.visiquate.com or contact Scott Shamblin, SVP Business Development at (214) 810-0139.
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